
Archive for January 5th, 2023

By Nobu Yoshimitsu

Noriyasu Abo (Pei’s son) at the Selleck logging camp.

Selleck today is a sleepy community in rural, Southeastern King County, but it was once known for its thriving logging and lumber industry. In the early decades of the 20th century, Japanese immigrants were central to these enterprises. In addition to the labor they provided, they also contributed to building a diverse culture.

My great-grandfather, Peichi (Peiichi or “Pei”) Abo, was one of these early Japanese immigrants. First arriving in 1905 via Vancouver, BC, he was employed as a rail worker while studying English. He moved to the town of Selleck, where he worked for several years before being promoted to the position of foreman of the Selleck logging camp in 1915.


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